I sighed as I looked at who the text was from. I have been in the process of untangling myself from her for a while now. Sometimes, dear reader…you can help and listen and do and care and work and counsel and it is all for NAUGHT. Might as well teach a pig to sing, I remind myself, thus wasting your time and annoying the pig.
I don’t respond to the texts, they are hurtful and useless, like stripping the bloom off the rose, leaving only the thorns. This bloom was stripped off long ago and I tire of trying to pick up the thorns without being poked and stabbed. There was no way to not get hurt.
It seemed as though God finally looked at me and said “would you just STOP and let Me handle her??” I finally listened and I handed her to God. I pray for her and her family that I am no longer a part of. But…I do not miss her. How can you miss what was never really yours to start with? I never felt a part of her. Never. I tried, early on…but dropped it self consciously a while back. So, it was what it was and it is what it is and what it is is GONE.
I like 2% cheese. Bear with me. It tastes the same, melts the same, looks the same…but has less fat and MORE calcium. See? This is my clumsy way of telling you that removing unhealthy, life clogging things can leave room for healthy, bone building things. Things that strengthen femurs and tibias and yes, spines.
Sometimes you may have to shut the door on something in your past. Just SLAM it shut, like doors are slammed in anger and rage. I’ve heard a lot of slamming doors and the sound is final and sure, full of sad endings, scary beginnings, happy relief.
So, shut the doors on rooms in your life filled with junk and trash and garbage that you don’t want or need to hang onto. Hurt? Anger? Rage? Pain? Slam. Slam. Slam. SLAM! Hand God the key to that room and lock it up and SLAM IT SHUT.
What’s funny is….sometimes when you do that…slam it shut…there are people in there. Family. Former friends. Relationships. Tangled, tense torsion. You’ve been wrapped up in their godlessness and strife so long, you expect pain. You even welcome it. You feel you deserve it. You think you can fix it. Because you are the fixer, the runner, the one who overlooks it all and drops everything and gallops to the rescue.
Would you just STOP and give them over to God? Let Him handle it? Get out of the way, lest that door slam shut, trapping you inside that room? Put the thorns DOWN for heaven’s sake and for ONCE enjoy the scent of the roses without getting hurt. God gave you a spine. A strong, steely spine. Fortified with good things. A spine. USE IT.
I closed my eyes and said a prayer for her, this unwanted texter, this thorn. I clicked the “view” button for the text. I smiled.
It was, dear reader…a picture of a door.
Of all things to send me…a door. Coincidence, you say? Oh, I do not believe in coincidences. God has led me to this point, to this threshold…to this door. It is up to me what to do with it.
Thus being shown the door, I mentally slammed it shut. What a glorious, final sound.
Slam some doors in your life. It’s about dadburn time you did. Ask God which ones and hand Him the key and slam with all your might. Never go back to that door. Never knock on it. Never try the doorknob. And…if you are tempted to go back..tell God about it.
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3:20 KJV
Tell God about it and He’ll go knock on that door.
That’s the key. So…lock that door and give it and THEM to God.
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