Friday, January 20, 2012

Bloop Bloop

I remember distinctly our first batch of chickens back in September 2002 was a memorable one. Mostly, because I had just come out of working as a nurse since 1997 and my last job was in surgery, a clean precise environment. The houses still had a few things not done..who am I kidding? There's things STILL not done. One weird thing was small, nylon strings that apppeared out of the concrete at the base of the walls of the chicken houses, several feet in length. I didn't think anything about this string and just walked past it every day, dead chickens in hand and some audiobook playing in my headphones.
  The chickens were a couple of weeks old and every day was the same, walk thru the chickens, pick up the dead, cull the sick, blah blah blah.
  But this day...I shooed the chickens away from the wall to walk thru and noticed this ONE chicken, staring intently at the floor, close to the wall. I shooed and I shooed, but there he stayed. Staring at the floor. So I knelt down to see what in the world was SO interesting to a chicken. His beak was almost completely touching the floor. To my horror, I noticed small, nylon string going UP into his beak. I pulled out my pocket knife and cut the string as close to the floor as I could. I picked him up and held the string in my left hand, chicken in the right. I thought "Well...I'll just pull the string out!" So...I tried.
  It didn't go as I had hoped...when I gently pulled the string, the, ahem, BACK end of the chicken pulled INWARD. It looked as though I was going to pull him inside out.
  So I killed him. Unfortunately, this is how most of my "guess what a chicken did today?" stories end. I told this story at my son's basketball game while sitting by two of the moms I had become close to. When I told the story, I stood up and BECAME the chicken...I CHANNELED that chicken and when I got to the part when the evil chicken farmer pulled the string, I thrust the lower half of my body forward with each string pull and for SOME reason said "BLOOP BLOOP" in a high pitched voice.
  To this day, there is a segment of my friends that when they see me...they pretend to pull a string and they yell BLOOP BLOOP, often across the gym or Walmart or parking lot. I BLOOP BLOOP back at 'em and people stare at us like we've lost our minds.
 After the BLOOP BLOOP incident, I went thru all 3 chicken houses, cutting the string carefully with my pocket knife as close to the concrete as I could. 
   Tis a fine thing to have friends that can yell two words at you whilst doing a vaguely vulgar dance and immediately, you are back to that time in the County Line gym so long ago and the famous words BLOOP BLOOP became part of your vernacular.   
  May you, my dear friend, have friends that yell their own version of BLOOP BLOOP at you.  

1 comment:

  1. LMAO! next time i see you i am so doing this! BLOOP! BLOOP!
